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The Hardys Ride High

(1939 b 81')

En: 5 Ed: 6


The Hardys think they are becoming millionaires and change their attitudes and behavior.

Judge James Hardy (Lewis Stone) helps a couple divided over money to get back together by splitting his salary evenly. Jonas Bronell (George Irving) tells James Hardy that he is inheriting $2,000,000. Andy Hardy (Mickey Rooney) tells Polly Benedict (Ann Rutherford) he won the football game and meets her sophisticated friend, who smokes and drinks. James tells his family he is inheriting $2,000,000. Aunt Milly (Sara Haden) asks to go to Detroit. Andy wants a bachelor apartment. On the plane Milly meets Terry Archer (Minor Watson).

The Hardys stay at the Leeds mansion until James' claim is established. Cousin Phil Westcott (John Dusty King) brings corsages to Marian Hardy (Cecelia Parker), Emily Hardy (Fay Holden), and Milly and asks about James' ancestors. Andy asks his father when he can smoke. Phil and Consuela MacNish (Virginia Grey) hope that James' claim is not valid so that she can have jewelry. Phil shows Andy the Leeds automobile factory and gives him a cigarette. Emily only bought a frying pan, but Milly has a new dress and hairdo. Marian charges a Paris dress to James. Milly goes out with Terry. When Marian's dress arrives, James gets the $265 bill. Terry calls on Milly and tries to sell her real estate. Milly is disappointed and asks him to leave. Bronell tells James he has the proof and that Phil is going with a chorus girl. James sees Andy going out in a tuxedo and cautions him. James reads a book inscription that his ancestor was a foster son of Leeds. Andy meets Phil at the Paradise Club but refuses to drink rum, saying his father is alcoholic. Consuela invites Andy to her apartment. When Andy sees her, he runs out and loses Phil's cigarette case. Andy buys one on credit to replace it. Phil and Bronell see that the book with the phony inscription is gone.

At home James decides not to burn the book and tells Emily it would be dishonest to claim the inheritance; she agrees. James calls Bronell, who tells of Phil's trap. James tells Andy the money will go to a children's hospital. Marian confesses she lied to James and sends the dress back. Andy gets the $175 bill for the case and tells his father what he did and said. Milly dresses up and gets a date at the drugstore. Andy calls on Polly and smokes and demands a drink, getting her to embrace him.

This family drama contrasts the movie-like life-style of millionaires to the average American family in a small town and shows they are probably much happier without the excess riches. Only Emily seems unchanged by the temptations, and her honesty matches that of her husband.

Copyright © 2001 by Sanderson Beck

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